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Problem Solved Supernaturally

One month before my son, Luke's seventh birthday, he ran out in front of a car that was traveling approximately 25 miles an hour. When the car hit him, the impact catapulted him 1 1/2 car lengths down the road. He was transported, still unconscious to the local hospital. After an hour of tests and evaluation, my wife and I were called into a meeting with the emergency room doctor, the doctor radiology for the hospital and our family pediatrician. They showed us the x-rays revealing a crack in the number three vertebrae of my son's neck. Due to the severity of the crack and the possibility of paralysis, they proposed to transfer him to St. Francis Medical Center in Peoria by life flight because there was a neurosurgeon on staff there. (By Illinois state law, they must prove to the responsible parties of a patient who is being transferred to another hospital, the reason they are being transferred. This proof must be based on fact and not on assumption).

We knew the Scriptures and the power of the prayer of agreement, so we contacted our pastor to have the church pray and agree with us for a miraculous healing.

Once my son reached Peoria, they did a number of tests on him with several doctors and specialists in attendance. After approximately 4 1/2 hours, the emergency room lead physician came out and told us the news. He said they could not find the crack that was on the film from the Peru hospital. He didn't know why. All he knew was that he could not explain it. They kept him in the hospital two more days but still could not explain the miraculous healing that had occurred.

One thing to keep in mind and all these events. We've mentioned that standing on the Word of God and the power of the prayer of agreement can work for miraculous results. But what we didn't mention was something that happened back at the scene of the accident. After my son had been loaded in the ambulance and before we started to the hospital, the Lord instructed me to get out of the ambulance, go to the driver of the car, give him a hug and tell him everything was going to be all right. That is what is called operating in the love of God. When everything in me wanted to scream at him or be physically violent with him, I instead followed the guidance of the Lord. In doing so, I know now that my actions ushered the love of God into the situation. In looking back, I see that my act of love is when the healing power of God came on the scene. And when the love of God is present, it becomes the combustion chamber for miracles.

Bottom line is that he was miraculously healed by the power of God many years ago and has never looked back since. In fact, we just celebrated his wedding two weeks ago.

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